
Knight Foundation Brand Experience & Activation

Knight Foundation Branding System, Website Re-design & SXSW Activation

The Knight Foundation branding system evolved in tandem with the website re-design. Using the logo as inspiration, the 67 degree angle became a focal point for creating arrow elements and textures that point to the organization’s dynamic philanthropy.

Initial concepts for a Knight Foundation exhibition space were born out of the new branding system. Each concept sought to bring a dimensionality to the foundation, while also maintaining media and technology with embedded flat panel screens.

The exhibition space creates stacked 3-dimensional arrows to create a back wall from which a central flat screen displays Knight news and also serves as a presentation space for Knight grantees. Debuted at SXSW Interactive 2013.

The website re-design highlights the Knight’s mission to create informed and engaged communities by showcasing projects funded
by the organization.